iDeal Makers is looking for iDeal partners
in Brazil, USA, Singapore & China

 iDeal Makers is looking for iDeal partners in Brazil, USA, Singapore & China.

In a global and complex world,  iDeal Makers supports start-ups, SMEs and Midcaps wishing to grow or expand internationally.

To offer its customers cultural insight in countries where they face the challenge of complex negotiations (partnerships, JV, acquisitions,…), cross-border deals, fund-raising and mediations, iDeal Makers is looking for local partners, mid-size M&A law firm or boutique.

iDeal Makers partners will benefit from iDeal Makers trademark, expertise and global network but also from additional incomes through iDeal Makers’ remuneration model mainly driven by customers success.

If you and your organization match iDeal new partners profile available here please apply:

One year!

Press relase
Today, iDeal Makers is celebrating its first anniversary! iDeal Makers has competed its first fiscal year and is now proud to annonce it has already advised and accompanied several ventures and individuals while negotiating strategic international ...
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What Santa Claus taught iDeal Makers?

Our articles
Dear Santa Claus, Thanks for being such a negotiation mentor. Thanks to you (and to some other good fellows) I have learnt that: I need to have my Christmas list prepared; We will need to know each other more and we will both have to de...
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Parlez aux Hommes plutôt qu'aux Poissons

Our articles
Tout le monde est saturé d’informations. Tout le monde zappe et tout le monde se demande, voire vérifie, si il n’a pas reçu un message sur son portable pendant que vous parlez. Nombres d’études indiquent que la durée d’attention moyen...
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